Anxiety & Panic, Postnatal Depression, Raising Awareness, Uncategorized

5 Things To Do While Waiting For Therapy

You’ve been struggling with your mental health, it’s been hard, you finally gather the strength to take the incredibly brave step to ask for help only to be told it’s at least a 6 month wait for therapy. What a knock back this is. I find it unbelievably frustrating as a peer support worker, and… Continue reading 5 Things To Do While Waiting For Therapy

Anxiety & Panic, Postnatal Depression, Raising Awareness, Uncategorized

8 Tips For Creating A Relaxing & Positive Environment

Our environment can have an impact on how we feel. Think about the weather, when it’s sunny out, our mood can instantly lift. Clinical depression and other mood disorders need professional treatment, so just changing a few things around us won’t cure this. But while we are recovering, and to keep us feeling good day… Continue reading 8 Tips For Creating A Relaxing & Positive Environment

Anxiety & Panic, Postnatal Depression, Raising Awareness, Recipes, Uncategorized

Challenging Maternal OCD

I’ve written before about my own battle with Maternal OCD (which you can read here) it was something which escalated over time and affected how I lived my day to day life. I was diagnosed with “regular” (?!) OCD in my late teens, however by the time I fell pregnant it was largely under control… Continue reading Challenging Maternal OCD

Anxiety & Panic, Everyday Parenting, Postnatal Depression, Raising Awareness, Uncategorized

Dealing with Mother’s Day & Postnatal Depression

For many, Mother’s Day is a day filled with fun memories, thoughtful gestures and hopefully a lie in! However for some women, it can be a difficult day filled with anxiety and depression. Around 1 in 5 women will struggle with some form of perinatal mental illness. A large number of these women will see… Continue reading Dealing with Mother’s Day & Postnatal Depression

Anxiety & Panic, Postnatal Depression, Raising Awareness, Uncategorized

Scared to leave the house – Agoraphobia a step by step guide to overcoming it

First things first, agoraphobia isn’t as easy as step by step guide and you’re well again. It takes time, it’s small steps, and it is challenging BUT you can overcome it, I promise. Please do see your own healthcare professional for advice and guidance if you are struggling. I developed agoraphobia after the birth of… Continue reading Scared to leave the house – Agoraphobia a step by step guide to overcoming it

Everyday Parenting, Recipes, Uncategorized

Mindful Cooking – Creamy Tarragon Chicken

When thinking of recipes I wanted to share for my mindful cooking blogs, this was one of my top picks! This is so delicious and super easy to make. Full credit for this recipe goes to my dad, who probably owes full credit to Ainsley Harriet. This was discovered back in the “Can’t cook, won’t… Continue reading Mindful Cooking – Creamy Tarragon Chicken

Anxiety & Panic, Postnatal Depression, Raising Awareness, Uncategorized

The Inner Bitch – Stop Negative Self Talk

A couple of weeks ago I posted about low self esteem and how we can challenge that. One area which I see repeatedly and which many of us are guilty of is negative self talk. That inner critic which tells us, we aren’t good enough, it’s a negative, nagging voice and will cause us to… Continue reading The Inner Bitch – Stop Negative Self Talk

Everyday Parenting, Recipes, Uncategorized

Fruit Puff Pastry Tarts

I love baking and cooking - I love eating more! Its an activity I enjoy and I often feel a sense of achievement after. Its something we can do with our children which is great for building on your bond, and it can be a really mindful activity, which can help with our wellbeing. I… Continue reading Fruit Puff Pastry Tarts

Everyday Parenting, Postnatal Depression, Raising Awareness

Sharing my journey & the things we love! Blog Update!

I’ve posted a couple of times that I will be expanding the blog a bit more this year. When I developed PND and anxiety I lost a huge sense of who I was. I think many parents do when they have their baby, but it can be magnified when you’re battling anxiety and depression. I… Continue reading Sharing my journey & the things we love! Blog Update!

Anxiety & Panic, Postnatal Depression, Raising Awareness, Uncategorized

Dealing with Health Anxiety

Health Anxiety affects many people, and for many it can take over every waking thought. Here I share some tips on how to deal with health anxiety, and gain back some control.